Reader Annie tells me that The Courthouse Tavern at 129 East Anapamu Street (formerly The Little Door, Piano Riviera Lounge, The French Table, and Elements Restaurant & Bar) has closed. The eatery opened in June 2021.

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  1. Art says:

    Originally Irene Davis Bakery for many years into the 1980’s (probably the last successful business in this location) Then Tuttie’s began the downturn. I don’t think there really has been a place that lasted more than a couple of years.

  2. Frequent Diner says:

    The entire area is devoid of patrons.

    Several factors doomed the Courthouse Tavern from day one. The Courts use Zoom most of the time and that reduced the foot traffic immensely. Secondly the closing of State Street reduced car traffic and visitors. Couple that with people working from home and thus the perfect storm.

  3. Homer says:

    You cant forget Jane Brolin’s Bakery Cafe with authentic spirited French pastry chefs.

  4. Susan Genadry says:

    This is actually an excellent location. Over the past 30 years, it has had 4 successful restaurants: The Bakery, Elements, The French Table and The Little Door. The Courthouse
    Tavern failed due to poor management and for no other reason. We all know that a successful restaurant doesn’t depend upon walk-ins, but becomes a destination.

  5. Chris says:

    Was Holdern’s Steakhouse ever at this location, 129 E. Anapamu Street? Having a friendly bet going about whether or not it was there before locating on lower State Street. Thanks.

  6. Deborah says:

    I remember going to The Bakery with my Mom to enjoy their delicious fresh peach muffins for breakfast, it was there for many years and was always a favorite. Hope something else can make it there!

    • Justine says:

      I worked at The Bakery in the early 90s… tasty baked goods and I loved the sleek black restroom with Italian language lessons playing continuously. Handy because I only lived about a block away, and I recall many early mornings in the dark walking in to open. Good times!